2. Never before this journey did I know what physical fatigue felt like.
3. I hate Germans. (Tom who is German said this so we asked why) They are negative and unrelaxed and way too strict.
4. Roly says: If you're going to do the camino don't be negative. Be prepared for absolutely everything that you could be prepared for on a socialogical scale because people will test you. We have a companion who snores and two pilgrims began complaining about his snoring in their €5 room. They were complaining in Spanish and Roly confronted them, so I'll repeat the advice he gave the pilgrims. Bring fucking ear plugs or shut the fuck up (he was nicer about it).
5. Italians give all of their emotion to the extreme. Anger, love, sadness. -
6. Even pilgrims can be stuck up bitches - look up the word pilgrim for me please.
7. Don't be afraid to check out albergues before you agree to stay there.
8. Don't take advantage of people that have money, and appreciate all generosity.
9. Duct tape
11. "Can you quote me?" Yes "Um, damn it come back to me I can't remember" "ok ok, I remember" - this wasn't worth quoting lol
12. Showers are a blessed thing
13. Be thankful of the time you get to spend with the good people in your many camino families because they can separate over night.
That's so funny about the bathrooms. We had a similar star rating. Stupidly i would wait until i was desperate and then discover there was no toilet paper. And i still think about all my Camino families and miss them often.